Tacoma Foreclosure Lists. Don’t Pay For Them.

by Marguerite

So here’s the deal.  You’re searching for houses online and you see banners all over the place advertising for foreclosure lists.  You pay a monthly fee and every few days you get an email with the latest foreclosures is sent to your email inbox.  This may feel like you’re getting the inside scoop- but it’s a bad deal. The truth is the largest selection of bank owned homes in Tacoma is on the NWMLS (Northwest Multiple Listing Service) with all the rest of the houses. Even the HUD homes! This means that every single agent in town can get you a list of bank owned homes, and they’ll do it for free.

If you’re thinking of buying a bank owned house or a HUD home in Tacoma, there are still lots to choose from right now.  The transactions can be tricky- especially if you’re buying a HUD home, but there are also some incredible deals.  Find yourself a buyers agent that knows their way around bank foreclosures (I know a good one!) and you will get your deal and keep your sanity- without paying for any lists.

Got a quick question? I won’t stalk you. Text me at 253-820-3784

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